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Article published on Jan 25, 2022

It Is Important To Get Vaccinated To Protect Everyone

I am scared, and not sure what to do. At the beginning of the pandemic, both of us lost our job; we stayed home with our children. My husband did get two doses of Covid-19 vaccine recently, otherwise he would lose his job. I have been able to work from home, and there was little... Read More

Article published on Apr 29, 2003

SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Epidemic

Our daughter just delivered a baby girl, our first granddaughter. They live in Toronto. I want to go and see our granddaughter, but my husband is very nervous about the SARS epidemic in Toronto. We want to know whether it is safe to go and visit now, or delay our trip until it is over.... Read More

Article published on Apr 30, 2002

New Pneumococcal Conjugated Vaccine Is Available

Our son is 15 months old. Since starting daycare at 9 months of age, he has been getting one ear infection after another. Sometimes it takes two to three courses of antibiotics before he would improve, and then within a couple of weeks, he would be sick again. We are concerned about the amount of... Read More